Monday, May 21, 2007

Good Article on Fred

This is a very good article on Sen. Thompson that ran recently in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. It focuses mainly on the response to Michael Moore's ill-advised debate invitation. HA!

"On the day of the first Southern-state Republican debate on the Fox News Channel, one undeclared GOP candidate performed a media leapfrog.

With the help of one 38-second video clip and a great sense of humor, Fred Thompson, the former U.S. senator from Tennessee who is one sock away from dipping his toe into the race for the White House, remained just as relevant as the other GOP candidates.

And thanks to Michael Moore, the Hollywood documentarian who just can't help himself, Thompson delivered what, in time, could become his watershed moment. "


SBSmith said...

Thanks Michael !!


bernie said...

Documentaries are no less fiction than movies based on a true story.

Just FYI, I linked to your article from $100 Shoelaces and Healthcare in America